Whenever information becomes available
regarding our civic, our schools, or information or events
pertaining to our community, we will try to post them as a
resource. If you have any information in which you would like to
share, please feel free to e-mail them to:

December 18, 2008
Civic Meeting
Fourth meeting of the 2008-2009 season will be
held at the New Elmont Memorial Library at 7:30
PM. Please make sure to attend, and ask your
neighbors to come.
Read announcement.
December 5, 2008
In Memory of George Melnicky.
November 4, 2008
Click Here
to See How Locustwood / Gotham Area Voted.

School News
December 19, 2008
Students at Gotham Avenue School Celebrate
Diversity at Annual Multicultural Day
Mouth watering aromas from the delicacies of
many different nations filled the air at Gotham
Avenue School’s auditorium during its annual
Multicultural Feast.
Read more.
December 16, 2008
Elmont Union Free School District Board Meeting
Board meeting of the Elmont
Union Free School District will be held on
December 16, 2008 at 8:00 PM at the Dutch
Broadway School.
December 13, 2008
Dad's Club
Nursing Home Visit
December 5, 2008
“Good Citizens” Abound at Gotham Avenue School
Ten students who display the characteristics of
model good citizens were nominated by their
teachers and the student council as Gotham
Avenue School’s “Good Citizens of the Month” for
December 4, 2008
Police Detectives Donate Coats to Elmont
Thanks to the wonderful humanitarian efforts of
members of the Nassau County Police Detectives
Association more than 100 Elmont students will
be toasty warm this winter when they bundle up
in their new coats.
December 2, 2008
Popcorn: Brought to You by the Letter ‘P’
How do you teach a three-year old the alphabet?
Read more.
November 19, 2008
Gotham Avenue Student Council Elections Held
While adults were voting for the next U.S.
president, students at Gotham Avenue School were
getting lessons in election-year politics and
the democratic process.
Read more.
November 12, 2008
Elmont School District stays connected with new
If you have a child in one of Elmont’s
Elementary Schools don’t be surprised if the
next time you pick up the phone you hear
Superintendent Al Harper on the other end with a
message about important school information.
Read more.

Elmont News
December 21, 2008
Construction at Elmont Health Center Spotted.
Without community awareness nor neighbor notification,
construction was spotted at the Elmont Health
Read more.
November 25, 2008
Belmont Stakeholders Meeting
The neighborhood association, that borders Belmont Park presented
its plans, as it opposes the socially and
economically devastating VLTs. Additionally a
construction in the Locustwood area would cause
a negative impact to the residential single
family home in the area. Alternative plans such
as commerce, transportation hub, and restoring
the community park were presented.
October 29, 2008
Hempstead Town Welcomes State Belmont Plan
Clearly focused on a more vibrant and revitalized Elmont,
Hempstead Town officials have welcomed an
announcement by Governor David Paterson and
Senator Dean Skelos regarding economic
development at the Belmont Park race track area.
Read more.
October 9, 2008
Reactions Mixed Regard Belmont
The proposed redevelopment includes the possibility of a hotel,
restaurants and outlet shopping to make Belmont
Park a destination. Also there is the
possibility of bringing Video Lottery Terminals
(VLTs) into Belmont Park. Ruth Jakab, President
of the Locustwood/Gotham Civic Association, the
neighborhood that meets Belmont Park, said she
is against the idea of a hotel and is against
the VLTs.
Read more Via Franklin Square / Elmont Herald.

Town News
December 9, 2008
Hempstead Town Welcomes Holiday Season With Tree
With help from friends like Santa Claus and
local children, Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate
Murray and members of the town board lit the
Christmas Tree, Menorah and Kwanzaa Kinara
during a holiday celebration at Hempstead Town
Hall on December 9th.
Read more.
November 25, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board Meeting
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
7:00 PM
November 20, 2008
Holiday C.A.P. "Crafts" A Warm Family Moment
Moms and Dads can share a fun-filled
Saturday morning with a son or daughter as they
create a decorative "holiday sleigh" during a
family crafts project, sponsored by the Town of
Hempstead. Read
November 14, 2008
Courtesy Hotel To Be Razed, Homes To Be Built
Under Murray
Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray has announced
that the Town of Hempstead and Trammell Crow
Residential (developers), with the assistance of
Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) President Helena
Williams and her staff, have reached a tentative
agreement that will replace West Hempstead's
infamous Courtesy Hotel with attractive rental
homes. Read more.
November 13, 2008
Betting Ring Closed
12 Individuals from Long Island and Queens were
Read more via Newsday.

October 29, 2008
US Department of Justice Re: State Lotteries
October 27, 2008
NY Assembly Speaker Opposes VLTs at Belmont
State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said today
that he would block a plan to turn Nassau
County's Belmont racetrack into a gambling
center. Silver said that adding slot machines in
an effort to raise state revenue would only draw
customers from the video slot machines currently
planned for the nearby Aqueduct Racetrack in
eastern Queens – splitting revenues, instead of
increasing them.
October 27. 2008
Buffalo Casino Plan Stopped (Again)
A hotel and casino worth more than
300-million dollars. The Indian Nation says the
poor economy forced them to put the project on
hold, but making matters worse, a lawsuit from
Citizens For a Better Buffalo had won multiple
rounds in court. Issue may even find its way up
to the Supreme Court.
October 31, 2008
Turner Stone Casino Job Cuts
Gambling was long considered
recession-proof. No more. Turning Stone Resort
and Casino in Verona Thursday became the latest
casino in the nation to announce job cuts. The
resort laid off 50 to 100 employees, marking the
single biggest job cut since the casino opened
in 1993.

November 24, 2008
“Buckle Up New York, Click It or Ticket”
Police Commissioner Lawrence W. Mulvey announces
that the Nassau County Police Department will
participate in the Governor’s Traffic Safety
Committee’s grant for occupant restraint
enforcement. The “Buckle Up New York, Click It
or Ticket” will take place November 24, 2008
through December 5th.
This initiative will consist of high visibility
enforcement, targeting occupant restraint
non-compliance. A zero tolerance policy for such
violations will apply. The goal of the program
is to increase safety belt and child seat usage
in an effort to reduce serious injuries and
fatalities resulting from motor vehicle
September 1, 2008
Stop - DWI Campaign
Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence W.
Mulvey announces that this coming weekend, the
Nassau County Police Department will participate
in a “STOP-DWI” grant that will allocate
additional police officers to conduct an
extensive DWI enforcement initiative.
Read more.