Emergency / Service Telephone Numbers

Photograph of Town of Hempstead Town Hall
Town of Hempstead Emergency and Services
Telephone Numbers

Animal Shelter
If you have a problem concerning a loose or stray cat or dog contact
the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter at (516) 785-5220. After
hours, contact the Department of Public Safety at (516) 538-1900.
Building & Structural Problems
At times, due to fire, accident, or weather conditions, the structural
integrity of a building is altered. If a problem such as this should
arise, contact the Building Department at (516) 489-5000 during
regular business hours, or the Department of Public Safety at (516)
538-1900, if the condition occurs after regular business hours.
During a heavy rain storm or when snow begins to melt, storm drains
may back up. This is normally caused by leaves and other foreign
materials blocking the drain. The problem can be relieved by removing
the blockage. If a blockage occurs, you should contact the Town of
Hempstead Highway Department at (516) 489-5000 during regular
business hours or contact the Department of Public Safety after hours
at (516) 538-1900. All complaints will be handled on a priority basis.
Heat Complaints
If a problem should arise causing inadequate or lack of heat, contact
the Nassau County Health Department at (516) 571-3410, your
local police department or the Town of Hempstead Department of Public
Safety. The Public Safety office will be able to furnish you with
telephone numbers of responsible agencies.
Hurricane Information
In the event that a hurricane or major coastal storm is heading
towards the Town of Hempstead, the Department of Public Safety will
activate an Emergency Management Office (EMO) to coordinate all
efforts of the Town to insure the most effective course of action is
being taken. This website will also broadcast emergency bulletins as
needed. In the event that an emergency arises, residents should
contact their local police department, or the Department of Public
Safety at (516) 538-1900. Click here
for more information.
Park Emergency
The Town of Hempstead Department of Public Safety has the
responsibility for maintaining order within town parks. If you
encounter difficulties pertaining to unruly patrons or parking, you
may contact the Department of Public Safety at (516) 538-1900.
Pothole Repair
Potholes should be reported directly to the Highway Department at
(516) 489-5000. Residents should provide the exact street address
and the nearest cross street. During the winter months, the Highway
Department will fill the potholes with temporary cold patch, until
permanent repairs can be made the following spring.
Residential Problems
A problem that occurs on private property is the responsibility of the
owner of the property. The Town of Hempstead cannot trespass on
private property. If the problem requires immediate attention, even on
private property, Public Safety may be contacted at (516)
538-1900. They will help you find the proper agency to call. If
the problem is a true emergency, such as a cave-in of a cesspool, the
Department will provide fencing to cordon off the area.
Road Conditions
Road conditions such as cave-ins, potholes, construction hazards,
etc., may be reported to the Town of Hempstead Highway Department
during regular business hours at (516) 489-5000 or after hours
to the Department of Public Safety at (516) 538-1900.
Road Sanding
For icy road conditions, you may contact the Town of Hempstead
Highway Department at (516) 489-5000 during regular business
hours. After hours, contact the Town of Hempstead Department of Public
Safety. Special consideration will be given to residents with a
substantiated medical problem that requires medical attention. All
calls will be handled on a priority basis.
Sanitation Districts are responsible for the collection of refuse and
recycling in their communities. Elmont belongs to District 6
and can be contacted at (516) 481-7110. Click
here for more information.
Snow Removal
During a snow fall, the Town of Hempstead makes every effort to keep
the roadways cleared and passable. The Town is responsible for
clearing approximately 1700 miles of roadway. If a problem should
arise, you may contact the Highway Department during regular
business hours at (516) 489-5000. After hours, contact the
Department of Public Safety at (516) 538-1900. If the storm is of
major proportions, the Emergency Management Office (EMO) will be
activated and will coordinate all efforts of the Town to ensure that
the most effective course of action is being taken. Special
consideration will be given to residents with substantiated medical
problems that require medical attention. All requests will be handled
on a priority basis.
Storm Drains
Storm drains are for the runoff of rain water and snow. Should you
notice a storm drain that is clogged, please notify the Highway
Department immediately at (516) 489-5000.
Street Light Outage
In the event that a street light is out, contact the Town of
Hempstead Street Lighting Department at (516) 378-2260 during
regular business hours. After hours, contact the Department of Public
Safety at (516) 538-1900. You will need to give the exact location of
the pole as well as the pole number.
Street Light Pole Down
A downed light pole can pose serious problems because the wires
leading to the light are energized. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MOVE THE POLE.
Contact the Town of Hempstead Traffic Control Division at (516)
378-2260 during regular business hours. After hours, contact the
Department of Public Safety at (516) 538-1900.
Trees Down
In a situation where a tree has fallen into a roadway, the Town of
Hempstead will remove the tree on a priority basis. A tree blocking
the roadway or one that is leaning on a power line will be of the
first priority. Please notify the Town of Hempstead Highway
Department during regular business hours at (516) 489-5000.
After hours, contact the Department of Public Safety at
(516) 538-1900.