Police Updates
The Nassau County Security/Police
Information Network (SPIN) is a dynamic, multi-dimensional crime
prevention partnership between the Nassau County Police
Department and the private sector that seeks to increase public
safety through the sharing of important and timely information.
This program is designed to promote Homeland Security initiatives
and business continuity, as well as foster the exchange of
information that is critical to the success of protecting Nassau
County residents and businesses.
Many of the documents require Adobe
Reader, which can be downloaded below.

(September 1, 2008) National Preparedness
National Preparedness Month is a nationwide
effort held each September to encourage
Americans to take simple steps to prepare for
emergencies in their homes, businesses and
schools. Read
(September 1, 2008)
Stop - DWI Campaign
Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence W.
Mulvey announces that this coming weekend, the
Nassau County Police Department will participate
in a “STOP-DWI” grant that will allocate
additional police officers to conduct an
extensive DWI enforcement initiative.
Read more.
(August 1, 2008) School Safety
September is back-to-school time
for students all over the country. Amid the
excitement of new teachers, classes and friends,
it's easy to forget the day-to-day hazards that
go along with school attendance - particularly
for younger students.
Read more.
(August 1, 2008) Tips for College Bound
Students heading off to college—perhaps for the
first time this year—may be inexperienced at
driving long distances or driving alone.
Read more.
(July 9, 2008)
Water Safety
Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence W.
Mulvey would like to remind county residents
that water safety is something that all parents
should be aware of. Drowning is the second
leading cause of unintentional injury related
death among children ages 1 - 14.
(July 2, 2008) Social Host Law
On July 17, 2007, the Nassau
County's Social Host Law, (Local Law 13), was
signed and made part of the Nassau County's
Miscellaneous Laws by the County Executive. This
law serves to deter the consumption of alcoholic
beverages by minors at private homes. Underage
drinking is a significant societal problem that
causes concern for our communities. House
parties are a common occurrence particularly
during summer months when school is not in
session. Read Local
Law 13.
(June 12, 2008) Prom Safety Tips
Attached for your information, are some helpful
Prom tips for parents as well as teens, to
ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.
Read more.
(June 11, 2008) Summer Heat Safety Tips
Summer is almost here and along
with it comes hot and humid conditions. Rising
temperatures, and upcoming heat waves can create
a dangerous environment for the residents and
visitors of Nassau County.
(June 1, 2008) Travel Tips
With the busy summer season fast approaching,
here are a few travel tips to help assist you in
your travel plans. This up coming summer travel
season is shaping up to be one of the busiest
travel season in years with new document
requirements for travel to destinations outside
of the United States. Feel free to share this
information with others, and have a great and
safe summer.
Ten Travel Trips
Travel Tips
Things to Know Before Going on a Cruise
Tips for Family Road Trips
(05/01/2008) Buying Prescription Medicine
Online: A Consumer Safety Guide
The Internet has changed the way we live, work
and shop. The growth of the Internet has made it
possible to compare prices and buy products
without ever leaving home. But when it comes to
buying medicine online, it is important to be
very careful.
(05/01/2008) DEA Warning
Federal law prohibits buying
controlled substances such as narcotic pain
relievers, sedatives, stimulants and anabolic
steroids without a valid prescription from your
doctor. Read more.
(05/01/2008) Counterfeit Drug
How can you
differentiate legitimate pharmaceuticals from
Read more.
Increase in Portable GPS Thefts
Nassau County Police Commissioner
Lawrence W. Mulvey urges Nassau County residents
to make a concerted effort to deter would-be
thieves from stealing their portable GPS
devices. Read more.
Counterfeit Lottery Scams
Nassau County Police Commissioner
Lawrence W. Mulvey is urging citizens to be
vigilant when receiving unexpected mailings or
other forms of solicitations that inform them
that they are winners of a lottery, especially
if the correspondence is from a foreign country.
Read more.
Tips for a Scam-Free Holiday
With the holiday season upon
us, here is some helpful information for a scam
& fraud free holiday.
NRF's Top Ten Tips
for Buying Gift Cards
According to a recent NRF consumer survey, gift
cards will be one of the most popular gifts this
holiday season. Shoppers need to be smart when
buying gift cards, understanding there are
important differences between gift cards
purchased in the store and those that come from
credit card companies and banks.
Read More.
Tips for a Safer Holiday
The holidays provide a wonderful opportunity for
family and friends to gather and celebrate. It
is also a time of continuous activity, with
errands to run and scheduled activities that
demand attention and time. Here are a few
holiday safety tips to help you negotiate
through the busy holiday season. Feel free to
share this information with others.
Winter Season Safety
Holiday Safety Tips
Tips for a Safer Holiday
Internet Safety
The Internet has become a vital part of our
everyday lives in countless ways. The potential
for tremendous consumer benefits is great,
however, the opportunity for fraud and deception
continues to grow as quickly as the improving
technology. Fraud is opportunistic, and fraud
perpetrators are always among the first to
appreciate the potential of a new technology.
Phishing Pharming
Internet Fraud
October 16, 2007
Department of Homeland Security Daily Open
Source Infrastructure Report
Read More Here.
(Requires Adobe Reader).
Halloween Safety Tips
Commissioner Mulvey encourages everyone to
have a safe and happy Halloween and be mindful
regarding the festivities associated with this
Holiday. Halloween brings about many children
trick-or -treating in our communities. Parents
and guardians should speak to their children on
a variety of safety issues before they go out
into their neighborhoods. Some of the safety
concerns should focus on the following items:
Read More Here.
(Requires Adobe Reader).
September is National
Preparedness Month
National Preparedness Month is a nationwide
effort held each September to encourage
Americans to take simple steps to prepare for
emergencies in their homes, businesses and
Read More Here
Burglary Prevention / Home
Invasion Safety Tips
Whether you leave
your home for five minutes or weeks, recognize
that it's vulnerable whenever it's unoccupied.
While you cannot be home all of the time, you
can devise a home security program that works
for you around the clock.
Read More Here