Portable GPS Thefts

Increase in Portable GPS Thefts!
Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence W. Mulvey urges Nassau
County residents to make a concerted effort to deter would-be thieves
from stealing their portable GPS devices by removing these items that
mount on a vehicle's windshield or dashboard whenever their vehicles
will be left unattended.
The Nassau County Police Department is reporting a dramatic
increase in reported larcenies of these devices. In January 2008, 211
portable GPS devices were reported stolen. This is an increase
compared to the 44 reported stolen in January of 2007.
Many of the these GPS systems are stolen during the over night
hours while a resident's vehicle is parked in the driveway or street
directly in front of their homes. Others are being stolen from
commercial lots. Thieves are looking for anyone who leaves these
electronic devices still mounted on the windshield or in some cases
other evidence that indicates the vehicle possesses such a portable
device such as a mounting bracket or remnants from the suction cup
that secures the mounting bracket.
By taking the few seconds to properly secure your property from a
potential thief, you can better protect and safeguard your community
from criminals. In addition, if you see anything suspicious, please
call 911.