2006- 2007 In Review
Summary and Pictures of the 2007-2008 Season.

August News
August 26, 2008
NYRA Gets 7th Extension.
Read more.
August 5, 2008
National Night Out
The Nassau County Police Department will be
participating in the "25th Annual National Night
Out" a unique crime/drug prevention event.
Read more.
August 2, 2008
Soldier from Elmont killed in Iraq
The Association, and
behalf of all the residents by Belmont Park and
West Elmont, we would like to extend our
greatest support and sympathies to the family of
Andre Darnell Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell, only 25
years old displayed what it means to be a man
and the courage and respect of protecting and
honoring our great nation. It is a sad day, when
there is a lost, of one of Elmont's own. His
memory will live on, as a person of great
conviction for his country and for his family.
August 1, 2008
Belmont Meet
Attendance rose 2.9% for the meet to 391,634.
Daily average on-track handle jumped 3.2% to

July News
July 29 2008
Our state now faces increasingly harsh economic
times. When I travel across the State I see
communities suffering. Everywhere I go I meet
people who are losing their jobs and their
homes. I meet families forced to pay more for
gasoline and for food, while their paychecks
stay the same. Next winter some of these
families will have to choose between heating
their homes and feeding their children.
Read more.
July 12, 2008
Officers Approve Proposal for Amending the
Providing more than 30 days, as
currently stipulated by the current By-Laws, the
officers has approved the motion of a proposed
amended By-Laws.
Read Proposed By-Laws. The
Vote will take place at our September 18th
July 25, 2008
Sympathies for Hero Martin Simmons Family and his
Parents from Elmont
Mr. Simmons served five years as a police
officer and was a city firefighter for the past
17 years. Martin Simmons dived into Lake Tahoe
after his son Kevin had trouble staying afloat,
authorities said. Kevin was rescued by an uncle
and lifeguards, but Martin Simmons could not be
revived. The lost was reminded of another lost
to this family and the Elmont community,
one of Simmons friend, P.O. Anthony Dwyer in 1989.
They used to ride the train together to the
police academy. Martin Simmons represents what a
true hero really is. Our sympathies and heart felt
condolences are extended to the entire Simmons
July 3, 2008
New Trustees Sworn in to Elmont School Board
Two new trustees - Anthony Maffea and Deniece
Walker - were sworn in to the Elmont Board of
Education during Tuesday night's reorganization
Via Three Village Times.

June 2008
June 18, 2008
Town And County Unveil "Blueprint" For Elmont's
Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murray, working
along with Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi,
unveiled today a blueprint for Elmont – the
"gateway" to the Town of Hempstead. Also present
at the press conference were Town Councilmen
Edward Ambrosino and James Darcy, County
Legislator John Ciotti and several civic,
business and community leaders.
Read more.
June 7, 2008
Belmont Stakes at Belmont Park
The 140th running of the Belmont Stakes will
feature Big Brown attempt for Triple Crown Glory
and take a piece of history at Historic Belmont
Park. Announced crowd of 94,476 embraced the
heat and went to Elmont to bear witness the
sport of horse racing, and a chance to glimpse a
piece of history. Though the favorite horse did
not win, it helps to remind us about the thrill
and unpredictability the sport has to offer.

May 2008
May 20, 2008
Elmont UFSD, Sewanhaka CHSD and Elmont Library
Budgets Passed.
Read more.

April 2008
April 17, 2008
Elmont UFSD School District Announced 0%
Increase for 2008-2009 School Year.

April 5, 2008
Elmont Clean Up Day
Thanks to the children, parents and community
members, Elmont Clean Up Day was a huge success.
Read more and
view pictures.

March 2008
March 14, 2008
Vice President Bob Barker Honored
For his dedication and contribution to the
Locustwood / Gotham Civic and the community, Mr.
Barker has been distinguished to receive an
award from the American Legion. The Award
Ceremony took place on Friday, March 14th,
at the Elmont American Legion Hall at 7:30 PM.

March 1, 2008
Johnson Proposes Bill for Elmont and Floral Park
Senator proposes a community advisory board for
Belmont Park.
Read letter.

February 2008
February 10, 2008
Community Black History Celebration
February 10, 2008 from 3:45 to 5:15 pm at the
Elmont Memorial Library Theater.
February 6, 2008
Elmont Voters Upset on Super Tuesday
Long lines at the voting place at Dutch Broadway
elementary school, had individuals waiting for
over 2 hours before being able to cast their

January 2008
January 15, 2008
Granted Awarded to Elmont Argo Theater / Down
Town Project
Restore New York Grant Awarded
$2.5 million to Town of Hempstead's Elmont Argo
Theater / Down Town Program.
Read More.

December 2007
December 21, 2007
Belmont Hearing Affords Residents Chance to
Speak Their Minds
The Nov. 8 Belmont hearing in Floral Park
afforded residents the chance to speak their
minds about who and how Belmont Park should be
managed in the future, since the current
franchise with the New York Racing Association (NYRA)
expires at year's end.
Via Three Village Times.
December 8, 2007
Sewanhaka Petro Classic
On Saturday, Dec. 8, the Elmont Spartan Club
will be hosting an all day basketball
fundraising event in memory of Gregg Petrocelli.
Read More.

November 2007
November 14, 2007
Civic Works to Stop Installation of More
After being notified via Public Notice, the
civic has been working diligently with Town
Councilman Edward Ambrosino to stop the
installation of additional cellular phone
antennas between the corners of Locustwood
Boulevard and Sussex Road on Hempstead Turnpike,
where the Elmont Health Center currently exists.
The plans were to be introduced at the
Wednesday, November 14, Town Zoning Hearing,
however the plans were retracted with no future
date planned. More details will be available at
our next civic meeting on the 15th.
Discuss Here.
November 13, 2007
Civic Works to Get Water Tank Cleaned.
After notifying directly with the Water
Authority of Nassau County, the clean up work at
the Water Tank located on Hempstead Turnpike by
Plainfield Avenue started. Weather permitting,
the clean up will be finished within a two to
three week time.
Discuss Here.

October 2007
October 16, 2007
Sustainable Long Island Community Presentation
7:00PM - 9:00PM at Elmont Public Library
1, 2007
New York State Senate Hearing on Racing, Gaming
and Wagering
New York State Senators, Bill
Larkin, and Dean Skelos will be at the Elmont
Memorial Library at 4:00 PM, for a public
hearing of the Racing, Gaming and Wagering
Committee in reference to the future of Belmont

September 2007
September 14, 2007
Joint Statement on the Future of Belmont Park
State Senator Craig Johnson and State
Assemblyman Thomas Alfano made a joint statement
on the future of the Belmont Race Track and its
relationship with the community.
Read More.
September 7, 2007
Visioning Meeting Taking Place at Elmont Library
Community education meetings are taking place at
the Elmont Public Library, 700 Hempstead
Turnpike, in order to receive community input on
a planning process for Hempstead Turnpike in
Via Three Village Times.