June News
Whenever information becomes available
regarding our civic, our schools, or information or events
pertaining to our community, we will try to post them as a
resource. If you have any information in which you would like to
share, please feel free to e-mail them to:

June News
June 19, 2008
Civic Meeting
Ninth meeting of the 2007-2008 season will be
held at the New Elmont Memorial Library at 7:30
PM. Please make sure to attend, and ask your
neighbors to come.
June 1, 2008
Web Site Update (Unique Per Month Totals)
January 2008: 2037
February 2008: 1673
March 2008: 2395
April 2008: 2363
May 2008: 3255 *new monthly record

School News
June 23, 2008
Gotham Avenue PTA Installation Dinner
Gotham Avenue School, 6:30 PM
June 17, 2008
Elmont Union Free School District Board Meeting
Board meeting of the Elmont
Union Free School District will be held on
June 17, 2008 at 8:00 PM at the Dutch Broadway School.

Elmont News
June 23, 2008
IEAH Owners To Go Steroid Free
The owners of the Kentucky Derby
and Preakness Stakes winner Big Brown, saying
they want to lead the way to the elimination of
performance-enhancing drugs in horse racing,
announced Sunday that they would immediately
begin withdrawing all steroids and any
unnecessary medications from their horses.
Via New York Times.
June 18, 2008
Town And County Unveil "Blueprint" For Elmont's
Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murray, working
along with Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi,
unveiled today a blueprint for Elmont – the
"gateway" to the Town of Hempstead. Also present
at the press conference were Town Councilmen
Edward Ambrosino and James Darcy, County
Legislator John Ciotti and several civic,
business and community leaders.
Read more.
June 14, 2008
Flag Day Observation
The day commemorates the adoption of the flag of
the United States. The week of June 14 is
designated as "National Flag Week." During
National Flag Week, the president will issue a
proclamation urging U.S. citizens to fly the
American flag for the duration of that week.
June 10, 2008
Letter Carriers Safety Awarenss
You can help ensure that Letter Carriers perform
their responsibilities in a safe manner by
keeping the path to your mailbox clear of
obstacles and hazardous conditions.
June 7, 2008
Belmont Stakes at Belmont Park
The 140th running of the Belmont Stakes will
feature Big Brown attempt for Triple Crown Glory
and take a piece of history at Historic Belmont
Park. Announced crowd of 94,476 embraced the
heat and went to Elmont to bear witness the
sport of horse racing, and a chance to glimpse a
piece of history. Though the favorite horse did
not win, it helps to remind us about the thrill
and unpredictability the sport has to offer.
June 1, 2008
Elmont Family Day at Belmont Park
Read more.

Town News
June 17, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board Meeting
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
7:00 PM
June 17, 2008
Hempstead Town Offers Free Child Car Seat Safety
Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murray announced
the summer schedule for Hempstead Town’s Child
Car Seat Safety Inspection Program. Hempstead
Town's certified Child Passenger Safety
Technicians will inspect and properly install
child car safety seats and instruct guardians on
their proper installation.
Read more.
June 11, 2008
Solar Energy - Home Energy Performance Seminar
Elmont Memorial Library, 700 Hempstead Tpke.,
Time TBD.
Pre-event registration is requested as space is
limited; call 431-9200 to verify participation.
No fee.
June 11, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board of Appeals Hearing
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
9:30 AM
493/08. - 496/08. ELMONT - New York Bible
Assembly of God, Special
exception to convert retail store to church;
Waive off-street parking; Variance, front yard
setback on Litchfield Ave., construct portico to
existing building (remove shed); Variances, lot
area occupied, side yard, rear yard, maintain
addition attached to building for garage use &
storage., S/W cor. Hempstead Tpke. & Litchfield
Ave., a/k/a 1267 Hempstead Tpke.(S.E.Q.R.
determination not made)
June 10, 2008
Beat the Heat
In an effort to help residents
cope with the oppressive, record-breaking heat,
Hempstead Town is extending hours of operation
at 12 air-conditioned senior citizen centers.
Read more.
June 4, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board of Appeals Hearing
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
9:30 AM
467/08. - 470/08. ELMONT - Cumberland Farms,
Inc., Maintain one
double-faced, illuminated detached pylon sign;
overall size 84.3 sq. ft. (42.17 sq. ft. per
face); overall height 23'; setback 2'4" from
Linden Blvd. & 2'1" from 237th St. & located in
clear sight triangle; Maintain non-permitted
double-faced price sign attached to existing
pylon sign; Maintain second non-permitted
double-faced price signs attached to existing
pylon sign; clearance 2'10" from grade to bottom
of sign; Maintain second double-faced,
illuminated detached pylon sign; overall size
84.3 sq. ft. (42.17 sq. ft. per face); overall
height 23'; setback 2'3" from Linden Blvd. & 1'
from Parkway Dr. & located in clear sight
triangle., N/W cor. Linden Blvd. & 237th St.
running thru to Parkway Dr., a/k/a 237 Linden
Blvd. (S.E.Q.R. determination not made)
June 3, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board Meeting
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
7:00 PM
27818 Proposed Local Law Re "ARTERIAL STOPS" in
ELMONT (To amend Section
197-5 of the Code of the Town of Hempstead)

June 23, 2008
NY Lawmakers to Look at Several Issues
The still-stalled franchise extension for the
New York Racing Association, a new steroid
testing lab, and a company to run a casino at
Aqueduct Racetrack are all still on the
negotiating table June 23 when lawmakers in New
York return to the Capitol for the final days of
the 2008 legislative session.
Via Blood Horse Magazine.
June 3, 2008
After receiving the preliminary report of the
New York State Commission on Property Tax
Relief, Governor David A. Paterson announced
today that he is accepting the Commission’s
principal recommendation and plans to introduce
school property tax cap legislation to address
the unsustainable growth in property taxes.
Read more.

June 12, 2008
Prom Safety Tips
Attached for your information, are some helpful
Prom tips for parents as well as teens, to
ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.
Read more.
June 11, 2008
Summer Heat Safety Tips
Summer is almost here and along with it comes
hot and humid conditions. Rising temperatures,
and upcoming heat waves can create a dangerous
environment for the residents and visitors of
Nassau County. Read
June 1, 2008
Travel Tips
With the busy summer season fast approaching,
here are a few travel tips to help assist you in
your travel plans. This up coming summer travel
season is shaping up to be one of the busiest
travel season in years with new document
requirements for travel to destinations outside
of the United States. Feel free to share this
information with others, and have a great and
safe summer.
Ten Travel Trips
Travel Tips
Things to Know Before Going on a Cruise
Tips for Family Road Trips