September News
Whenever information becomes available
regarding our civic, our schools, or information or events
pertaining to our community, we will try to post them as a
resource. If you have any information in which you would like to
share, please feel free to e-mail them to:

Civic News
September 24, 2007
Web Site Update
Several links on the web site had been updated.
More Town Numbers and additional information had
been added. Please note, that our new e-mail
address is .
September 20, 2007
Civic Meeting Review
Our September 20th meeting was a very
informative and audience friendly meeting. Even
though many of our members who are parents were
unable to attend, due to Parent Teachers Night,
we had a good showing.
Read More.
September 20, 2007
Civic Meeting
First meeting of the 2007-2008 season will be
held at the New Elmont Memorial library at 7:30
PM. Please make sure to attend, and ask your
neighbors to come.

School News
September 21, 2007
A Letter From the Superintendent of Schools
We begin the 2007-2008 school year with
tremendous excitement and anticipation. The
fun-filled days of summer are behind us and the
focus of the entire district is dedicated to its
mission of "Reaching and Teaching for
Via Three Village Times.
September 18, 2007
Elmont Union Free School District Board Meeting
Board meeting of the Elmont
Union Free School District will be held on
September 18, 2007 at 8:00 PM at the Elmont Road

Elmont News
September 19, 2007
Elmont Group Wants Belmont to Shape Up
For decades, residents of Elmont have complained
that they felt ignored by the Belmont Park Race
Track, which to them seemed to exist in a
Via Newsday.
September 14, 2007
Joint Statement on the Future of Belmont Park
State Senator Craig Johnson and State
Assemblyman Thomas Alfano made a joint statement
on the future of the Belmont Race Track and its
relationship with the community.
Read More.
September 11, 2007
Memorial Observation
We remind everyone to display their American
Flags outside their homes on September 11th.
Also if you are driving, to have your headlights
on during the day.
September 11, 2007
Blood Drive
A Blood Drive sponsored by the Elmont Chamber of
Commerce will be held at St. Boniface
Auditorium, from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM. For more
information, please contact Christopher Rosado
at: (516) 512-0200
September 7, 2007
Visioning Meeting Taking Place at Elmont Library
Community education meetings are taking place at
the Elmont Public Library, 700 Hempstead
Turnpike, in order to receive community input on
a planning process for Hempstead Turnpike in
Via Three Village Times.
September 5, 20007
Elmont Residents To Get Information on Belmont
Elmont residents were expected to get a
broad-strokes presentation Wednesday night on
how they can help play a part in the hoped-for
revitalization of their community near Belmont
Via Newsday.
September 4, 2007
September is National Preparedness Month
Read More.

September 25, 2007
Town of Hempstead Meeting 10:30 AM
Read More.