September 20 Meeting Review
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: The New Elmont Memorial Public Library
Guest Speaker: Town of Hempstead Councilman,
Ed Ambrosino

Our September 20th meeting was a very informative and
audience friendly meeting. Even though many of our members who are
parents were unable to attend, due to Parent Teachers Night, we had a
good showing.
After completing old business, the Civic presented
photos that were published on the website, depicting
negative images with the title: "Elmont Today". Most of the audience
were shocked by the images. Some, were
as to where in Elmont those images were taken. The consensus however
was that, regardless of the truth behind the images, they do not in
any way represent "Elmont Today." A representative from Newsday had
told the civic, they would try to attend the meeting to clarify and
apologize pertaining this web publication. However, no one from
Newsday attended.
Town Councilman Edward Ambrosino, arrived after the
meeting started and at the time in that the Newsday Pictures were
discussed. He immediately took action, and stated that the pictures
displayed businesses and locations that are out of code, and will be
receiving summonses. Mr. Ambrosino insisted that people contact his
office and report these issues. He hopes to rectify the area, and try
to prevent the possibility of any future negative images.
Mr. Ambrosino, then opened to floor up to the
audience, to present issues or concerns that the Town can handle or
help to resolve. Issues included abandoned cars, street sweeping,
graffiti, illegal rentals, garbage pick-up, and other issues. There
was a brief discussion regarding the possibility of VLTs at
Park Race Track. Consensus of the members present were oppose to the
addition of the VLTs, due to its potential increase of traffic, crime
and other deteriorating factors that casinos could and have brought to
other communities. Nevertheless, everyone was in agreement that
if VLTs are placed at Belmont Park, a large and significant portion of
the revenue must go to Elmont to off set taxes and to improve and
beautify the surrounding areas.
After Mr. Ambrosino had to leave, the meeting
continued with the committee reports on the School District,
Sustainable Long Island and the Civic Coalition Council. Members were
informed of correspondence that were received from State Senator
Johnson and State Assemblyman Alfano pertaining to the issue of the
Belmont Race Track, and in addition to the notification of opening of
the Golden Age Facility.
Members were iinvited to visit the web-site to remain
inform, and to e-mail any additional comments, questions or concerns
that may arise.
The meeting concluded with the Board reminding the
members that the next meeting will take place on October 18, and ask
to invite a neighbor to come along.