April News
Whenever information becomes available
regarding our civic, our schools, or information or events
pertaining to our community, we will try to post them as a
resource. If you have any information in which you would like to
share, please feel free to e-mail them to:

Civic News
April 17, 2008
Civic Meeting
Seventh meeting of the 2007-2008 season will be
held at the New Elmont Memorial Library at 7:30
PM. Please make sure to attend, and ask your
neighbors to come. Our Guest Speaker will be
Mr. Albert Harper, Superintendent of Schools of
the Elmont Union Free School District, and the
topic of discussion will be the upcoming school
budget vote.
Read Announcement.
March 14, 2008
Vice President Bob Barker Honored
For his dedication and contribution to the
Locustwood / Gotham Civic and the community, Mr.
Barker has been distinguished to receive an
award from the American Legion. The Award
Ceremony took place on Friday, March 14th,
at the Elmont American Legion Hall at 7:30 PM.
April 1, 2008
Web Site Update (Unique Per Month Totals)
January 2008: 2037
February 2008: 1673
March 2008: 2395*new monthly record

School News
April 17, 2008
Elmont UFSD School District Announced 0%
Increase for 2008-2009 School Year.
April 15, 2008
Elmont Union Free School District Board Meeting
Board meeting of the Elmont
Union Free School District will be held on
April 15, 2008 at 8:00 PM at the Clara H Carlson School.
April 3, 2008
Gotham Avenue PTA Meeting
Gotham Avenue School, 6:30 PM
PARP At Gotham Avenue School Starts, ending on
April 18th.
April 3, 2008
Elmont Student Art Work Unveiled at LI
Children's Museum Exhibit
A special reception to celebrate the opening of
an exhibit of art work from the students of the
Elmont School District will be held at the Long
Island Children’s Museum.
Read more.

Elmont News
April 29, 2008
Toyota sponsors a free safety course
To help prevent future teen driving deaths in
the area, Toyota is hosting a hands-on advanced
driving skills program for teens and parents,
"Toyota Driving Expectations," May 2-4 at the
Belmont Park Race Track in Elmont. Best of all,
it's free.
Via The Daily News.
April 26, 2008
New Diamond Refurbished For Little Leaguers
Little League outfielders at Averill Boulevard
Park in Elmont complained they could not see
home plate anymore because sections of the field
had sunken so dramatically.
Via Three Village Times.
April 25, 2008
NYRA Gets 5th Extension.
A state panel today is expected to approve a
fifth temporary extension for New York Racing
Association to continue operating New York’s
Thoroughbred racetracks while details of the
organization's permanent 25-year contract are
worked out.
Via Thoroughbred Times.
April 5, 2008
Elmont Clean Up Day
Thanks to the children, parents and community
members, Elmont Clean Up Day was a huge success.
Read more and
view pictures.
April 5, 2008
Help Clean Up Elmont
Elmont Dad's Club invites you to join them for
Clean Up Elmont Day on Saturday April 5.
Read more.

Local News
April 23, 2008
Lighthouse at Long Island Project Update
As many residents are aware, the Hempstead Town
Board has received an application to rezone and
develop a mixed-use community surrounding
(inclusive of) the Nassau Veterans Memorial
Coliseum. Read more.
April 22, 2008
Clavin Offers Convenient Options For Payment Of
School Taxes
Receiver of Taxes Donald Clavin reminds
residents to take advantage of the convenient
payment options his office offers as the
deadline for paying the second half 2007-2008
school tax approaches.
Read more.
April 22, 2008
Solar/Home Efficiency Seminars to Help Residents
Cut Energy Costs, Save Planet
Standing in front of a solar-powered home in
Levittown, Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray
invited residents to attend the first in a new
series of "Go Green" seminars aimed at helping
residents to lower their energy costs and reduce
our carbon footprint on the planet.
Read more.
April 21, 2008
Town Hall to host "Easel" Exhibit
Hempstead Town’s EASEL program (Experienced Art
Students Enrichment League) will present an art
exhibition at Hempstead Town Hall May 5 through
May 29, announced Supervisor Kate Murray.
Read more.
April 8, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board Meeting
10:30 AM
April 2, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board of Appeals Hearing
Read More.

April 1, 2008
Governor Paterson Statement on Amended
Congestion Pricing
I amended my Governor’s Program Bill regarding
the New York City Congestion Pricing Program,
recommended by the Traffic Congestion Mitigation
Read more.