July News
Whenever information becomes available
regarding our civic, our schools, or information or events
pertaining to our community, we will try to post them as a
resource. If you have any information in which you would like to
share, please feel free to e-mail them to:

July News
July 12, 2008
Officers Approve Proposal for Amending the
Providing more than 30 days, as
currently stipulated by the current By-Laws, the
officers has approved the motion of a proposed
amended By-Laws.
Read Proposed By-Laws. The
Vote will take place at our September 18th
July 12, 2008
Clarification of Membership Due Dates
Membership dues will be accepted year round.
However, in order to receive the Elmont
Herald Newspaper for free in 2009, membership
dues must be received prior to December 19,
2008. We urge all new and old members to
come prepared to our September Meeting.
July 11, 2008
Web-Site Extended
Elmontcivic.com website has been extended, and
upgraded. Additional domain names had been
acquired to assist our members and neighbors in
accessing information. Visual improvements and
additional new features are being planned for
the websites.
July 1, 2008
Web Site Update (Unique Per Month Totals)
January 2008: 2037
February 2008: 1673
March 2008: 2395
April 2008: 2363
May 2008: 3255
June 2008: 3672 *New Record

School News
July 7, 2008
Elmont Union Free School District Board Meeting
Board meeting of the Elmont
Union Free School District will be held on
July 7, 2008 at 8:00 PM at the Elmont RoadSchool.

Elmont News
July 25, 2008
Sympathies for Hero Martin Simmons Family and his
Parents from Elmont
Mr. Simmons served five years as a police
officer and was a city firefighter for the past
17 years. Martin Simmons dived into Lake Tahoe
after his son Kevin had trouble staying afloat,
authorities said. Kevin was rescued by an uncle
and lifeguards, but Martin Simmons could not be
revived. The lost was reminded of another lost
to this family and the Elmont community,
one of Simmons friend, P.O. Anthony Dwyer in 1989.
They used to ride the train together to the
police academy. Martin Simmons represents what a
true hero really is. Our sympathies and heart felt
condolences are extended to the entire Simmons
July 20, 2008
Fire shuts grandstand at Belmont Park
A basement transformer fire has shut down the
grandstand at Belmont Park.
The small fire caused electrical problems that
caused the shut down of air conditioners and
some concession stands. Fire started 10:30
Saturday. After a small evacuation, racing
continued. Grandstand was closed and races
canceled on Sunday, the last day of the summer
meet at Belmont.
July 18, 2008
Parker-Duncanson, Jaime To Serve as Elmont Reps
Elmont School Board members Carol Parker-Duncanson
and Michael Jaime will serve as the Elmont
representatives to the Sewanhaka Central High
School District Board of Education.
Via Three Village Times.
July 12, 2008
Curlin to Race at Belmont
2007 Horse of the Year, Curlin will race at the
Grade 1, Man o' War Race at Belmont Park. This
will be his turf debut. Coverage will be done by
ABC/ESPN Sports.
Read about Man O ' War
July 3, 2008
New Trustees Sworn in to Elmont School Board
Two new trustees - Anthony Maffea and Deniece
Walker - were sworn in to the Elmont Board of
Education during Tuesday night's reorganization
Via Three Village Times.

Town News
July 30, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board of Appeals Hearing
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
9:30 AM, and 2:00 PM
July 25, 2008
Hempstead To Welcome
Wounded Warriors In Annual Soldier Ride
Hempstead Town
residents to come out and show their support to
combat-wounded veterans who are participating in
the annual Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride.
Read more.
July 17, 2008
Town Opens Cooling Centers, Extends Pool Hours
During Heat Wave
Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murray in
deference to the second great heat wave of the
summer, announced today a two-pronged approach
to help residents "beat the heat."
Read more.
July 9, 2008
Hempstead Is Greenest Town In Nassau: Receives
Top Recycling Rating
Municipalities everywhere are "green with envy"
over Hempstead Towns top recycling ranking in
Nassau by an environmental advocacy group.
Read more.
July 8, 2008
Clavin Offers Convenient Options for Payment of
General Taxes
Receiver of Taxes Don Clavin reminds residents
to take advantage of a variety of payment
options as the deadline for paying the second
half 2008 general taxes approaches.
July 16, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board of Appeals Hearing
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
9:30 AM and 2:00 PM

July 8, 2008
Senator Craig Johnson's New Sun Safety Program
Comes to Over Forty Pool and Park Locations in
the 7th Senatorial District
Overexposure to the sun can cause many health
related problems such as wrinkles, lowered
immunity against infection, eye cancer and skin
cancer as a result of ultraviolet (UV)
radiation. People are still uninformed, unaware
or choose to turn a blind eye to these
consequences. Read more.
June 3, 2008
After receiving the preliminary report of the
New York State Commission on Property Tax
Relief, Governor David A. Paterson announced
today that he is accepting the Commission’s
principal recommendation and plans to introduce
school property tax cap legislation to address
the unsustainable growth in property taxes.
Read more.

July 9, 2008
Water Safety
Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence W.
Mulvey would like to remind county residents
that water safety is something that all parents
should be aware of. Drowning is the second
leading cause of unintentional injury related
death among children ages 1 - 14.
July 2, 2008
Social Host Law
On July 17, 2007, the Nassau County's Social
Host Law, (Local Law 13), was signed and made
part of the Nassau County's Miscellaneous Laws
by the County Executive. This law serves to
deter the consumption of alcoholic beverages by
minors at private homes. Underage drinking is a
significant societal problem that causes concern
for our communities. House parties are a common
occurrence particularly during summer months
when school is not in session.
Read Local Law 13.
June 1, 2008
Travel Tips
With the busy summer season fast approaching,
here are a few travel tips to help assist you in
your travel plans. This up coming summer travel
season is shaping up to be one of the busiest
travel season in years with new document
requirements for travel to destinations outside
of the United States. Feel free to share this
information with others, and have a great and
safe summer.
Ten Travel Trips
Travel Tips
Things to Know Before Going on a Cruise
Tips for Family Road Trips