August News
Whenever information becomes available
regarding our civic, our schools, or information or events
pertaining to our community, we will try to post them as a
resource. If you have any information in which you would like to
share, please feel free to e-mail them to:

August News
August 1, 2008
Read Proposed By-Laws. The
Vote will take place at our September 18th
In order to receive the Elmont
Herald Newspaper for free in 2009, membership
dues must be received prior to December 19,
August 1, 2008
Web Site Update (Unique Per Month Totals)
April 2008: 2363
May 2008: 3255
June 2008: 3672
July 2008: 3817 * New Record

School News
August 11, 2008
Elmont Union Free School District Board Meeting
Board meeting of the Elmont
Union Free School District will be held on
August 11, 2008 at 8:00 PM at the Elmont Road School.

Elmont News
August 26, 2008
Water Authority of Western Nassau
Announced water work for Wednesday August 27, starting at 8 am.
August 26, 2008
NYRA Gets 7th Extension.
Read more.
August 22, 2008
Train Service Cancelled
Hempstead, Huntington/Port
Jefferson, Ronkonkoma, and Oyster Bay Branch
Customers: This weekend, August 23 & 24, there
will be no LIRR train service for 48 hours --
from 12:40 AM Saturday, August 23 through 12:40
AM Monday, August 25 -- between Mineola &
Jamaica and Hempstead & Jamaica while the final
phase of the work on the LIRR's major Queens
Interlocking Switch & Signal Improvement Project
is performed. Please visit
for details.
August 2, 2008
Soldier from Elmont killed in Iraq
The Association, and
behalf of all the residents by Belmont Park and
West Elmont, we would like to extend our
greatest support and sympathies to the family of
Andre Darnell Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell, only 25
years old displayed what it means to be a man
and the courage and respect of protecting and
honoring our great nation. It is a sad day, when
there is a lost, of one of Elmont's own. His
memory will live on, as a person of great
conviction for his country and for his family.
August 1, 2008
Belmont Meet
Attendance rose 2.9% for the meet to 391,634.
Daily average on-track handle jumped 3.2% to
July 27, 2008
Elmont Native and 3 time Pro-Bowler Marco Rivera
Retires from the NFL after 11 Seasons
A native of Elmont, NY, and a graduate of Penn
State, Rivera played 11 seasons in the National
Football League, including two years in Dallas
(2005-06). He started at guard for seven
consecutive seasons for Green Bay (1998-2004).
July 25, 2008
Sympathies for Hero Martin Simmons Family and his
Parents from Elmont
Mr. Simmons served five years as a police
officer and was a city firefighter for the past
17 years. Martin Simmons dived into Lake Tahoe
after his son Kevin had trouble staying afloat,
authorities said. Kevin was rescued by an uncle
and lifeguards, but Martin Simmons could not be
revived. The lost was reminded of another lost
to this family and the Elmont community,
one of Simmons friend, P.O. Anthony Dwyer in 1989.
They used to ride the train together to the
police academy. Martin Simmons represents what a
true hero really is. Our sympathies and heart felt
condolences are extended to the entire Simmons

Town News
August 15, 2008
Hempstead Town Receives Wall Street Credit
Rating Upgrade
While recent newspaper articles have
detailed the troubled finances of several
municipal governments, Hempstead Town has just
received a recognition from financial experts as
a beacon of fiscal strength and responsible
budgetary management.
Read more.
August 13, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board of Appeals Hearing
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
9:30 AM, and 2:00 PM
August 5, 2008
Town of Hempstead Board Meeting
Town of Hempstead Nathan L. H. Bennett Pavilion One Washington
Street Hempstead, NY
10:30 AM
27844 Proposed Local Law Re: "PARKING OR
Section 202-1 of the Code of the Town of
August 1, 2008
Hempstead Town
broke ground in Roosevelt on the first of eleven
affordable homes to be built in the latest phase
of the Town's Affordable Homes Program..
Read more.

August 8, 2008
Empire City for New York State
released The website highlights the staff and operational
expenditures by the New York State Legislature. Expenses such as
travel, mailings and personal services are reported.
Additionally information on New York State Salaries and School
District Contracts are available.
July 29 2008
Our state now faces increasingly harsh economic
times. When I travel across the State I see
communities suffering. Everywhere I go I meet
people who are losing their jobs and their
homes. I meet families forced to pay more for
gasoline and for food, while their paychecks
stay the same. Next winter some of these
families will have to choose between heating
their homes and feeding their children.
Read more.

August 5, 2008
National Night Out
The Nassau County Police Department will be
participating in the "25th Annual National Night
Out" a unique crime/drug prevention event.
Read more.
August 1, 2008
School Safety
September is back-to-school time for students
all over the country. Amid the excitement of new
teachers, classes and friends, it's easy to
forget the day-to-day hazards that go along with
school attendance - particularly for younger
August 1, 2008
Tips for College Bound Students
Students heading off to college—perhaps for the
first time this year—may be inexperienced at
driving long distances or driving alone.
Read more.