April 17 Meeting Announcement
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: The New Elmont Memorial Public Library
Guest Speaker: Mr. Albert Harper, Superintendent
of Schools, Elmont U.F.S.D.

The Locustwood / Gotham Civic Association will have as our
guest speaker on April 17th Superintendent of Schools, Mr.
Albert Harper from the Elmont Elementary School District. The meeting
will start promptly at 7:30 P.M. sharp. All our meetings are done in
an open forum, and would provide all our members the opportunity to
ask questions and receive answers. An important component of our
community are our schools and we encourage all our community members,
neighbors and friends to join this important meeting.
We all should be aware of what is going
on in our schools, gain more information about the budget and become
aware of its implication to our community and the value of our homes.
We are fortunate to have an opportunity to have a say and vote for our
school budget. In order to make the right decision, you have to attend
an informative meeting such as that we are going to have on the 17th.
Only through first hand knowledge, and direct communication can you
make a true and proper decision.
We all have busy
schedules to keep, but there are certain things in life that are too
important to miss. The school budget affects us in more ways than one
and is something that everyone should be fully aware about. Bring
along your family, neighbors and friends to our next meeting. Being
together as a large family of community members, we can bring positive
changes and grow as a learned community. We’re looking forward in
seeing you there.