Tips for a Scam-Free Holiday

Tips for a Scam-Free Holiday
Online shopping is an easy way to shop for sales and
avoid crowds at the mall. It is also an easy way to get ripped off.
And because online shopping spikes during the holiday
season, scammers enjoy a larger pool of potential victims. "They see
it as an opportunity to defraud consumers," says Ron Teixeira,
executive director of the National Cyber Security Alliance, a
nonprofit group that educates consumers and businesses
Online-security experts say consumers should stay
alert on auction and classified ad sites, where a lot of the
fraudulent activity takes place. And phishing activity -- say, bogus
email from charities that is used to fish for consumers' financial
information -- tends to increase during the holiday season.
The Internet Crime Complaint Center, a partnership of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the nonprofit National White
Collar Crime Center, tracked $198.4 million in losses due to Internet
fraud last year. That was up from $183.1 million in 2005. Under
federal law, credit-card customers are liable for only $50 for
unauthorized charges and some issuers don't even charge the $50. But
the customer first has to notice the bogus charge and report it to the
card issuer.
By conducting a little research and using a few basic
tools, you can limit your vulnerability to scams and fake e-commerce
sites. Free software can alert you when you are at a fraudulent Web
site, like one used for phishing. And financial institutions offer
temporary account numbers so you don't have to fork over useful
financial information to online merchants.
Here are a few ways to shop safely:
* Update your security software
The first thing you need to do before you even begin
shopping is protect your computer. That means getting updated versions
of a firewall and antivirus and antispyware software, Mr. Teixeira
says. Many computers come with such software preloaded. But if the
user doesn't pay roughly $50 to $150 when the trial period is up,
often after 90 days, the software expires.
Only 22% of Internet users say they have the core
protection recommended by Mr. Teixeira, according to a study released
in October by the security alliance and online-security company McAfee
Inc. The most common reason users didn't have the protection was
because they failed to keep their security software up to date, he
If you're online, click on the periodic update alerts that flash on
your screen.
* Determine if the store is legit
Before buying from a company you've never heard of,
find out as much as you can about it.
Look for the business's physical address, a telephone
number and an email address in case you need to contact the company if
something goes wrong, says Steve Salter, vice president of the Better
Business Bureau's BBBOnLine division. If the information isn't on the
vendor's site, that doesn't necessarily mean the site is fraudulent,
Mr. Salter says. But resolving any problems after you've made your
purchase will be more difficult.
You can also find information about a company by
checking with the Better Business Bureau Web site (
Plug the vendor's Web address into the bureau's database to see if any
complaints have been filed.
Shoppers should also check to see if the site is
certified by an online-security certification company, Mr. Salter
says. Network Solutions has a certification program called SiteSafe (,
and ScanAlert runs a program called Hacker Safe (
The companies run daily checks on Web sites to hunt for
vulnerabilities and confirm that transactions are secure.
Web sites vetted by programs like these typically
display certification logos on their home page. When you visit a new
site, click on any such logo to make sure it's real, Mr. Salter says,
because it is relatively easy to duplicate these images on fraudulent
sites. When you click on the logo, you should see information about
the site's certification status.
While certification programs add a layer of security
about a Web site, they don't guarantee it is hack proof.
McAfee ( offers a free add-on
for your Web browser, SiteAdvisor, that rates the safety of each Web
site that turns up in search results. Next to each result is a colored
icon: green for safe, yellow for suspicious and red for potentially
dangerous. If you click on a yellow or red icon, SiteAdvisor will
provide an explanation. For example, the site may be known for
downloading spyware or adware. McAfee cautions, though, that it
can't guarantee it will catch every hazardous site and
that SiteAdvisor users must still exercise caution.
* Avoid crazy deals
Auction and classified ad sites, like eBay and
Craigslist, are some of the riskiest places to shop online, says Susan
Grant, director of the fraud center for the National Consumers League.
Complaints about general merchandise, which includes classified-ad and
e-commerce sites, were the No. 1 grievance the league received about
Internet fraud from January to Sept. 15, accounting for 27% of the
roughly 8,400 complaints. Auction sites came in at No. 3, making up
19% of the complaints.
A new scam is advertising purebred puppies for an
absurdly low price or free if the buyer pays for the shipping, Ms.
Grant says. The scammers keep the money sent to them and never deliver
the dog. "If somebody is offering something for way cheaper that it
normally costs, I would be suspicious of that," Ms. Grant says.
Sometimes, scammers will ask for payment via a wire
service. "There is no reason why somebody would ask you to wire the
money to them. That's how crooks want money," Ms. Grant says.
Craigslist places antifraud warnings on all of its
home pages and at the top of each for-sale posting. "Craigslist users
can avoid virtually 100% of fraud attempts by following one very
simple rule: Deal locally with people you can meet in person," says
Jim Buckmaster, chief executive for Craigslist. The site constantly
works on new technical measures to deter fraud, he says.
On eBay, the advice is to comparison shop not just for
prices, but for sellers as well, says Jim Griffith, dean of eBay
education. If the seller has poor feedback from other buyers or little
feedback at all, you should reconsider buying from that seller. Also
check to see if the seller gives refunds or insures items. Mr.
Griffith says only a small percentage of eBay sellers engage in fraud.
And once an eBay member is kicked out of the site for fraudulent
behavior, eBay's tracking measures make it "next to impossible" for
that person to reregister with the site, he says.
* Try a temporary card number
There are new payment options for users wary of
putting their credit-card information on the Web.
Citi, Bank of America and Discover offer temporary
account numbers for their cardholders. These services will generate a
random number that you can paste into a merchant's payment form. This
limits exposing useful financial information to thieves and hackers.
The merchant can't tell that you're using a temporary number, and the
charge appears on your credit-card statement like a normal purchase.
You can request a new number every time
you shop or use the temporary number for multiple
purchases, though each number can be used with only one merchant.
PayPal ( has a free add-on tool
for your browser that works in a similar way. PayPal account holders
can use this tool to make online payments at any vendor that accepts
MasterCard. The tool will generate a unique MasterCard account number
for the purchase.
One drawback is that you probably can't use these
offerings for all purchases. For example, they typically won't work
for items like concert tickets you have to pick up in person because
the temporary card number will differ from the one on the card you
present at the box office for verification.
* Verify your bank's emails
The holiday shopping season "is a fertile time for the
phishers to attack" since more shoppers are online, says Frederick
Felman, the chief marketing officer for MarkMonitor, a
brand-management company. Increased shopping also boosts the chance a
consumer will respond to a phishing email that appears to come from a
bank or credit-card company, especially if the email comes soon after
a purchase, Mr. Felman says. Often a consumer might be multitasking
when responding to email and not notice that he has clicked a bogus
If you receive an email about a transaction, call the
number on your bank statement or credit card, rather than clicking on
a link or using a phone number in an email.
Charity-related phishing also pops up during the
holidays. In these scams, you receive an email with a link to a fake
charity soliciting a donation. Enter your financial information and
"that credit card is up for grabs," says Bari Abdul, vice president of
Worldwide Consumer Marketing for McAfee.
"We tell people not to click on those links unless you
have signed up to receive those charities' newsletters," says Sandra
Miniutti, vice president of marketing for Charity Navigator, an online
charity evaluator. Be wary of using search results to find a charity's
Web site. Or go to Charity Navigator's Web site (,
which links to 5,000 charities, she says.
The Better Business Bureau's Web site also has reports on hundreds
of charities.