Holiday Safety Tips

Holiday Safety Tips
Shopping – Traveling
Plan your day, know where you are going and what you
are doing.
Let a friend or family member know your plans.
Avoid distractions, distractions attract criminals.
Carry a cellular phone and have emergency phone
numbers available.
Pay attention to your surroundings, know where
assistance is located.
Avoid short cuts, use well -lit and traveled roads.
Use debit or credit cards if possible, carry enough
money to pay for your errands. If carrying a large amount of money,
separate your money into the amounts needed and place them in
different pockets.
Secure your purse of wallet after use
Have your vehicle checked and maintained according to
vehicle specifications.
Report suspicious persons and packages to the police.
Instruct children on the dangers of strangers.
In case of emergency dial 911
Vehicle Safety
Park in well-lit areas,
Lock and secure your car, place packages and other
valuables out of sight.
When returning to your car, try to leave with a group
of people.
Check the outside and inside of the vehicle prior to
Have you keys available to open the door, get in and
then lock the doors.
Maintain a full tank of gas, keep doors locked and
windows closed
If someone tries to get you to stop your vehicle and /
or divert your attention, try to stop in a well-lit and populated area
then contact help.
Do not leave your vehicle running and unattended.
In case of emergency dial 911
Scams, Cons and Imposters
Do not give personal information over the phone to
unsolicited callers
Do not let strangers in the house to use your phone,
bathroom or get a drink of water.
Do not let a stranger know that you are alone, contact
a friend or family member when a stranger is calling on you or dial
911 if your in danger.
Be aware that some persons collecting for charities or
causes are collecting for themselves, Pick a favorite charity and
write a check to that charity.
Verify unannounced utility workers and schedule a date
convenient for you.
Be cautious when providing personal information to
unsolicited telephone callers, e-mail and mail.
Remember if it’s too good to be true it usually is.
In case of emergency dial 911
Carbon Monoxide Threat and Management
Carbon Monoxide is odorless and colorless, poisonous
gas that is the product of incomplete combustion. Fuels such as
natural or liquefied propane gas, oil, wood and coal can produce
carbon monoxide.
Identify potential hazards- have heating systems
inspected by a qualified technician, check for clogged filters, closed
fresh air intakes, blocked chimney flues, and inadequate ventilation.
Install or maintain working CO detectors/alarms in you
Watch for signs of Carbon Monoxide poisoning,
dizziness, unexplained headaches, drowsiness, nausea, if you suspect
carbon monoxide poisoning Contact 911 and leave the house, and get to
fresh air. Open doors and windows if possible.
Do not leave your vehicle running in the garage, Start
you vehicle and remove it from the garage, let the vehicle warm up
outside, an open garage door may not provide enough ventilation to
dissipate the exhaust fumes.
In case of emergency dial 911
Fireplace safety tips
Inspect your fireplace prior to use.
Is the flue operational and open, are there any
Before lighting check the area for flammable items,
decorations and papers,
Do you have a fire screen in place?
Use caution when placing items in the fireplace
because of the possibility of sudden ignition and intensity of the
Is there a fire extinguisher accessible?
Have the children been instructed in the dangers of
fire and do you have an escape plan in place for family and guests?
Practice Exit Drills In The Home (EDITH )
In case of emergency dial 911