Students at Gotham Avenue
School Celebrate Diversity at Annual Multicultural Day

Mouth watering aromas
from the delicacies of many different nations filled the air at Gotham
Avenue School’s auditorium during its annual Multicultural Feast.
The event
celebrates the sites, sounds, culture and cuisines of the school’s
richly diverse community where more than 70 languages are spoken
representing 30 different nationalities. Fifth graders and their
parents made traditional foods of their native countries for an
international buffet for all to enjoy. Parents volunteered their time
to come and serve up the tasty treats.
discussed their own cultures within classmates and compared and
contrasted the variety of traditions, foods, holidays and dress of
their respective ethnic backgrounds to prepare for the day. Some
students also chose a country to research on the Internet and created
essays and PowerPoint presentations.
of the celebration included student performances that featured raps,
songs and dances influenced by their native countries.
A group of
Elmont’s military veterans were also on hand for the festivities and
presented Principal Marshal Zucker with a book of their memoirs for
the school’s library.
The mission of the
Elmont Union Free School District is to “reach and teach for
excellence,” which means continually improving instruction and
increasing student achievement. Dedication to this goal is what has
earned Elmont New York state recognition for its “High Performing/Gap
Closing Schools,” and as a state “model for
school success.” In
partnership with the community, the district holds its students to the
highest standards while maintaining one of the lowest per-pupil
expenditures in Nassau County.