Elmont School District stays connected with new technology
Elmont School
District stays connected with new technology

If you have a child in one of Elmont’s Elementary Schools don’t be
surprised if the next time you pick up the phone you hear
Superintendent Al Harper on the other end with a message about
important school information. Or it could be your child’s principal
with information about upcoming events. It’s all part of the
district’s new automated communications system – Connect-ED.
The Connect-ED service can make up to 30,000 phone calls in a few
minutes. It is a valuable tool in notifying parents and staff about
emergencies and school closings and can be tailored for specific
school messages as well.
“We’ll be able to deliver important school information in a timely
manner. The system also supports our ability to reach you immediately
in the event of an emergency,” said Superintendent Al Harper in his
first phone message to parents earlier this school year.
Be sure your child’s school has the most recent phone number on
file so that you can stay connected.
The mission of the Elmont Union Free School District is to “reach
and teach for excellence,” which means continually improving
instruction and increasing student achievement. Dedication to this
goal is what has earned Elmont New York state recognition for its
“High Performing/Gap Closing Schools,” and as a state “model for
school success.” In partnership with the community, the district holds
its students to the highest standards while maintaining one of the
lowest per-pupil expenditures in Nassau County.