Holiday C.A.P. "Crafts" A Warm Family Moment
Holiday C.A.P. "Crafts" A Warm Family Moment

Moms and Dads can share a fun-filled Saturday morning with a son or
daughter as they create a decorative "holiday sleigh" during a family
crafts project, sponsored by the Town of Hempstead. According to
Supervisor Kate Murray, the popular C.A.P. (Children and Parents)
Program has scheduled its holiday project for Saturday, December 13,
from 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. at Averill Blvd. Park, Elmont; Baldwin Park,
Baldwin Harbor; Levittown Hall, Hicksville and Harold Walker Park,
"The C.A.P. Program enables family members to combine talent and
enthusiasm in the creation of a beautiful household decoration,"
explained Supervisor Murray. "What better way to spend a Saturday
morning than by sharing quality time with a son or daughter as you
make a holiday display piece you can both be proud of?"
The upcoming C.A.P. program is open to Town of Hempstead youngsters
between the ages of 5 and 12. C.A.P. participants will use a variety
of attractive and unique craft items to construct a beautiful holiday
sleigh. Arts and crafts instructors from the Department of Parks and
Recreation will guide parents and children through the project.
The following park facilities will host a December 13th C.A.P.
program: AVERILL BLVD. PARK, 145 Averill Blvd. Elmont; BALDWIN PARK,
3232 South Grand Avenue, Baldwin Harbor; LEVITTOWN HALL, Levittown
Parkway, Hicksville; and HAROLD WALKER PARK, 1085 Woodfield Road,
To register for the park of your choice, call the Town of Hempstead
Parks Department at 292-9000, ext. 256, beginning Monday, December 5
at 9:30 a.m. Phone registration continues until each park fills a
30-child limit.
A $7 registration fee will be charged per project. A check or money
order made payable to the Town of Hempstead will be collected on the
day of the program.
"Each C.A.P. session affords a morning's worth of family fun and
creative excitement," explained Councilman Anthony Santino. "Parents
and children are invited to share a special moment together as they
create a beautiful holiday showpiece."
For additional C.A.P. information call the Department of Parks and
Recreation at 292-9000, extension 256, or visit the town web site at