Hempstead Town Energy Home Program

Supervisor Kate Murray is proposing to the Hempstead Town Board
today a resolution calling a public hearing on a local law in relation
to the establishment of energy star requirements for the construction
of new homes. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4.
“Hempstead Town is steadfast in its commitment to protect the
environment,” said Supervisor Murray. “This new initiative will add to
the extensive list of projects the Town of Hempstead has undertaken in
order to maintain a ‘green and clean’ legacy for future generations.”
The New York State Energy Star Labeled Homes program, developed by
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and sponsored by the Long
Island Power Authority (LIPA), is designed to help Long Island home
buyers build energy-efficient, comfortable homes that use less energy,
which in turn lowers annual energy costs, reduces air pollution and
helps protect the environment. Energy Star is administered in New York
by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
NYSERDA partners with LIPA to administer the program on LI.
Energy Star Labeled Homes are nationally recognized for saving
approximately 30% on home energy costs compared to conventional new
homes because they feature the best building practices and
technologies for higher efficiency. Home energy efficiency levels are
improved in this program through enhanced insulation, better air
sealing, mechanical ventilation, performance- tested heating and
cooling systems, and high-efficiency appliances, lighting and windows.
“This is a win-win program for builders and homeowners alike,”
concluded Supervisor Murray. “Builders receive a rebate from LIPA to
construct Energy Star Labeled Homes and homeowners save money on
energy bills. Indeed, all parties are taking positive steps towards
helping improve the environment.”
Energy Star Labeled Homes must achieve specific ratings to qualify
for the program. LIPA provides builders with a rebate based on the
score the home receives. Rebates range from $850 to $1,250. Energy
Star Labeled Homes must pass a third party inspection.