October 18 Meeting Announcement
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: The New Elmont Memorial Public Library
Guest Speaker: Election Candidates
The October meeting should be a very informative
meeting and most beneficial for all residents in our area to attend.
Our meetings serve as the opportunity for neighbors to unite, know
each other and voice their concerns. This is done in order to improve
our community and thus benefit from a more prosperous and improved
Elmont. Our area is a large area and something is always occurring.
This month, members of the community, including the
civic association had the opportunity to express their feelings
towards the future of Belmont Park at a New York State Senatorial
Hearing, here in Elmont. It was an honor to have the Senators come to
Elmont, to listen to us. Attend our next meeting to learn about what
happened, and discuss about the future potential changes that might
occur. Let your neighbors know what is going on, so we can all help.
Let us work together as a united community, just like a big family.
Since this will be our last meeting before the
November election, our doors are open for all candidates to express
their platforms. We ask all candidates to call 516-488-2858 or e-mail
mail@elmontcivic.com if they plan on attending for agenda planning
Come on down on the 18th at 7:30 P.M. sharp at the
Elmont Memorial Public Library and be a proactive component of our
community. Feel free to bring your family, neighbors and friends. It
is always great to see new faces from our great and wonderful
community. We remind our old and future members to not forget to pay
your civic membership dues. We’re looking forward in seeing you there.
Lastly, we extend our gratitude to our nation’s
military service members, both active duty and veterans, for their
dedication, courage, accomplishments and sacrifices to protect our
everyday freedoms.