May 15 Meeting Announcement
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: The New Elmont Memorial Public Library
Guest Speaker: Sewanhaka
CHSD Superintendent, Mr. Warren Meierdiercks
Sewanhaka CHSD School Budget / Improving our area.

At our May meeting, our quest speaker will be Sewanhaka CHSD
Superintendent Warren Meierdiercks. It will be a great opportunity for
us to discuss about the issues that are truly affecting our immediate
area. The meeting will start promptly at 7:30 P.M. sharp. All our
meetings are an open forum, and provide all our members the
opportunity to ask questions and receive answers. Important components
of our community are our schools and we encourage all our community
members, neighbors and friends to join this important meeting.
Brainstorming ideas and solutions may help ensure a more tranquil,
and enjoyable months ahead. Now that the weather is nicer, please
interact with your neighbors, participate in the civic and become
better informed to what is going around in the community.
We hope that everyone has taken the time to read and review the
proposed schools and library budgets and we encourage everyone to
vote. In addition, everyone should review the candidates running for
the School and Library Board of Trustees and vote for those whom you
feel would represent our community well. The School Budget Vote and
Trustees Elections will take place on Tuesday, May 20, 2008. Members
in our area will vote at the Gotham Avenue School. We remind that you
must be over eighteen years old, a resident of Elmont for more than
thirty days, and be a United States citizen in order to vote. We hope
that everyone who is able takes the time to exercise his or her
freedom to vote.
On Sunday, May 11, we celebrated Mother’s Day in the United States.
Washington Irving once stated that “A mother is the truest friend we
have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity
takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our
sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she
cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to
dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our
hearts.”. On Mother’s Day, take the time to thank, rekindle, and to
appreciate the “mothers” in our lives and in the community.
At the end of this month, we celebrate Memorial Day for all the men
and women who served this country for the preservation and protection
of democracy. We asked all our members to show your support for the
individuals who had served in the armed services and who are currently
serving. We especially must show our respect for all those who gave
the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation. They are the true
American role models and we must continue to display our gratitude for
their service. We ask all our members who are capable to march with us
in the Memorial Day Parade. There will be more information pertaining
to the celebration at our May meeting.
Participating in the civic process help shapes the future of our
community and of our world. The civic understands that we all have
busy schedules to keep. However, we should give some time to help
preserve the quality of life of our neighborhood. This upcoming
meeting is important to attend because there are serious issues that
affect us directly. It is important for all members be informed, and
to work together to resolve these issues. Together we can make Elmont
the best place to live anywhere.
Come on down on the 15th at 7:30 P.M. at the Elmont Memorial Public
Library and be a proactive component of our community. Bring your
family, neighbors and friends. It is always great to see our neighbors
together supporting a positive cause.
A special salute to our troops and armed forces, because thanks to
their patriotism and sacrifice, they help protect our freedoms and are
an inspiration to all Americans.