HOLA To Hold Second Annual Fundraiser

of Garden City invites you to their Second Annual Fundraiser to enjoy
the wonderful music, food and auctions while we help to raise funds
for The Race Track Chaplaincy of America-N.Y. Division to support
their youth members in achieving their highest potential and offer
them hope for a brighter and better future.
This special event will be held at The Inn at New
Hyde Park on January 19th, starting at 8:00 p.m.
The Race Track Chaplaincy of America-N.Y. Division
is a non-profit organization that ministers to the personnel on the
"Backstretch" of all three N. Y. Racing Association race tracks. In
Belmont Race Track alone, there are over two hundred families living
inside the track. The common denominator of the hot walkers, grooms
and foremen is their love for horses, pride in their work and around
the clock dedication. Unfortunately, living conditions are at, or
below, the poverty level. While we cannot upgrade the quality of life
at the tracks, our goal at this year's fundraiser is to alleviate some
of the need of the Youth Group of the RTCA at Belmont Race Track.
The Youth Group is comprised of more than 50
teenagers who fall between the ages of 12 and 17. They attend nearby
public schools that surround Belmont Race Track, such as Sewanhaka and
Elmont. It is after school, weekend and vacations that the RTCA does
its best with very limited resources to keep the teenagers on the
right track by offering organized play, local trips and events. Due to
lack of funds, only 15 or so of these teenagers, at a time, can
participate. To many this is the only outlet they have from their very
limited surroundings. This Youth Group offers deterrence from the grim
world of gangs and drugs. These teenagers have assimilated to the
general population and many are over achievers. In the past, the RTCA
has been called upon to assist in funding basic things like: graphing
calculators required for higher level math courses; paying for a trip
so a teenager, who through his good grades and hard work was awarded
the opportunity to attend a conference of the Future Business Leaders
of America; or for a teenager who through diligent instrumental
practicing, won the honor of attending the N.Y.S. Scholastic Music
Association competition.
If you are unable to attend you generous donation
can be send to HOLA of Garden City P.O. Box 325, Garden City, NY 11530
or if wish to attend call HOLA at 516 -280 -0397.
HOLA of Garden City is a not-for -profit
organization founded by a group of Spanish speaking individuals of
Garden City who wished to have a social and cultural club in our
community. Our mission and purpose is to preserve the language and
culture of all Spanish speaking countries in, educational ways, with
an exchange of ideas at monthly meetings, social and cultural events
through out the year, a commitment to charity work in the community
around us.