November 15 Meeting Review
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: The New Elmont Memorial Public Library
Guest Speaker: Martin Carroll, Town of
Hempstead Sanitation 6 Secretary to the Board

Our November 15th meeting was a very informative and
provided much insight into the functioning of our sanitation district.
The meeting started at 7:40 PM with the pledge of
allegiance. Executive board present included, Ruth Jakab, Bob Barker,
and Isabel Rodriguez. Absent were Jean Lewis and Douglas Hannon.
Last month minutes were stated and passed as read.
Civics' budget statement was read and passed unanimously.
There were several correspondences. Includes, letters
from the Town of Hempstead in regard to flue shots, pets adoptions and
energy saving; as well as from our local school in regard to students
being awarded for distinctive achievements and support for the Dad's
Club food drive.
The members present were informed of letters, fax
copies and Town of Hempstead notification in regard to the potential
placement of additional cellular phone antennas at the corner between
Locustwood Blvd. and Sussex Road. The request for permit is currently
placed on hold indefinitely. The civic approved unanimously the letter
sent from the civic to Town Councilman Ambrosino regarding the matter.
Mrs. Jakab then introduced our guest speaker, Mr.
Carroll, a representative from Sanitation 6. Even though the members
bringing up concern to certain things in the last meeting were not
present, the civic informed him of the garbage, debris and litter that
is located on Heathcote, Wellington and 106th. Mr. Carroll informed
the membership that litter on the street, such as street cleaning and
sweeping, including that of snow is the responsibility of the Highway
Department. The sanitation department function to the community has to
do with garbage pickup and collection.
Sophia mentioned that there are times in that garbage
have fallen or spread on the streets during pick up, and often times
she had to complain to the sanitation workers to clean up the mess.
Mr. Carroll mentioned that it is the responsibility of the sanitation
workers to pick up any garbage that is dropped while performing
garbage pickup and collection. This is the reason why the trucks are
equipped with brooms and shovels.
The recycle trucks (blue / gray) collect once per
week, one side being newspapers and the other cans, etc. The expenses
for garbage pick up is about $85 per ton for normal garbage, and $45
per ton in recycled refuge. Sanitation has worked via a grassroots
approach with schools in improving recycling.
Garbage cans should include a removable lid no more
than 42 gallons or be placed in secure garbage bags. Mr. Carroll noted
that garbage cans should be brought back and returned corrected to the
side of the curb, or where they were originally placed. It is the duty
of the supervisor to make sure that this is done correctly.
A neighbor of Ms. Marcellin brought her concerns in
that the sanitation workers are moving too fast, especially on
Locustwood Boulevard, and often times it is difficult to pass,
especially with narrow streets in our area.
Mr. Carroll noted that the recycle pick up, may not
pick up recycled products such as newspapers placed in clear bags,
(like in the city) because it may be confused with regular garbage.
Recycled garbage should be in the orange bucket.
The sanitation department does not have authority in
issuing fines, only summons. This responsibility lies within the Town
of Hempstead Code Enforcement.
It was brought to his attention that Wendy's location
needs to be cleaned more often, and perhaps issuing summons to them
for cleaning up their litter. It was recommended that the boxes on
Hempstead Turnpike, specifically the one near Wendy's be emptied more
often. Mr. Carroll mentioned that the baskets are cleaned three times
a week. He will bring the issue up, to see if there is a possible
resolution to do more in this regard.
Mr. Carroll mentioned that there is the S.T.O.P.
program where items such as oil based, pesticide, chemicals and
hazardous waste could be handled.
Someone questioned if Sanitation could work to help
with the illegal apartment dilemma. Mr. Carroll noted that the amount
of garbage can not be correlated to number of residents in a
household, nor could be determination of whether there is an illegal
apartment at that location.
Enforcement is the problem in our area. We have John
Sandi and Norman Felder, as our Town of Hempstead Code Enforcement
workers. It was recommended to create a letter seeking the Town to
grant the Sanitation Department the authority to enforce. A list of
places and areas needing the most attention will be created.
Sanitation has been functioning the same way since
1929. Mr. Nicolosi suggested consolidating services to save on
expenses. However Sanitation 6 is divided into 2 zones, and employ 150
Committee Reports:
Sustainable Long Island: will have a meeting later in the year.
Schools: Our local schools have been integrated smart boards into more
classrooms. Additionally, Mr. Ragona, mentioned that Elmont has
improved the substitute teacher system, in how teachers will become
more available, by making Elmont more competitive in their
C.C.C.: New officers will be presented,
Open Discussion:
Several members were displeased by the notion that several of our
representatives are forcing the casino upon us.
Additionally, there was the issue of a red big rig
truck parking in our area over night and during the day. The issue has
been brought up to the police, and is continued being monitored.
December 20th will be the next meeting and holiday /
year end celebration.
Meeting is adjourned at 10:05 PM.