Locustwood September 2008 Meeting Announcement

Next Meeting: Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 7:30
Place: Elmont Memorial Public Library
Topic: Planning for the Future.

We would like to invite all our members, neighbors and
friends to our first meeting of the season on September 18, 2008 at
the Elmont Memorial Public Library. Last year we learned how important
it is to appreciate and learn from the voices and ideas as a united
"family" of neighbors and friends. On the 18th, the association will
embark on its 80th “season,” serving the best interests to the
residents, businesses and families of the neighborhood of Locustwood
This association will never settle for the community as
is, especially when our values and aspirations are at jeopardy. The
neighborhood of Locustwood Estates believes in fairness, justice and
equal opportunity. We all need to believe in ourselves, find the
strength and energy within ourselves to strive for the community, as
it should be. We hope that this important year members both old and
new would attend to help make our area neighborhood the best that it
can be.
The association remains actively involved with the
concerns of its neighbors and friends. Ranging from issues such as
pesticide spraying, unlicensed contractors, local foreclosures, street
lighting and safety, urging the Town to keep up with landscaping and
the future of our neighbors.
The issue is not about what is right or what is wrong.
The issue lies to what is best. The Association has always been active
in the preservation of its area. Additionally, it has always sought
for the best interests of its residents and businesses, as it was
entrusted to do since 1929. We cannot condemn the houses and
businesses of our neighborhood to injustice as others may desire. This
organization does not hide anything, and its executive board and
members clearly know what is going on. That is because Locustwood
always informs its members and neighbors actively via its website,
emails and notices. Our efforts do not go unnoticed. The Focus on the
Family Action group praised this organization for its efforts to
protect our neighbors.
Since this is the first meeting of the year, it is
important for all members in attendance to pay their annual dues.
Membership dues are accepted year round. However, in order to receive
the Elmont Herald Newspaper free in 2009, membership dues must be
received prior to December 19, 2008. Additionally, make sure to
include a completed membership form.
The civic understands that we all have busy schedules
to keep, but there are certain things in life that are too important
to miss. What is going on in our neighborhood is something that
everyone should be fully aware about. Bring along your family,
neighbors and friends to our next meeting. Being together as a large
family of community members, we can bring positive changes and grow as
a learned community. We look forward in seeing everyone on the 18th
at the Elmont Memorial Public Library.
In conclusion, we would like to give thanks to the
hard working people who keep our country and community safe. To those
who serve the Police Department, Fire Department and Emergency
services we appreciate all that you do and the priceless dedication
and response to protecting our neighbors, friends and family from
potential harm. To those who represent the armed services, words alone
cannot represent the positive contributions done to protecting not
only our country, but also the ideals that our great country
represents. To those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us all:
though you may not be with us, we know you all are watching us from
above. Your memories and what you strived to accomplish will never be
forgotten. God bless the neighborhood of Locustwood Estates. God bless
Elmont. God bless America.