Stewart Manor Has Heart
Stewart Manor Has

Under the guidance of our Physical Education teacher, Mr. Peter
Kaczenski, Stewart Manor’s 3rd and 4th grade students will be
participating in a very special community service program “Jump Rope
for Heart”, sponsored by the American Heart Association.
Our students are joining the fight against our nation’s number 1
and number 3 killers – cardiovascular disease and stroke. This event
will help students learn about the benefits of regular physical
activity and heart health, in addition to raising funds to support
vital heart and stroke research, as well as educational programs.
In addition to jumping rope, 3 rd and 4th grade students will also
be participating in other cardiovascular exercises. So, if you’re in
the area on March 11th, between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. stop by and
join us in supporting heart health. Have a heart!
Stewart Manor PTA
Stewart Manor PTA is at it again. Busy as beavers, they have been
preparing for “Parents as Reading Partners”. The Kick –off event began
with a night of song and dance to encourage reading at home in order
to develop good reading habits and a love for reading. The theme this
year is “Go Green, Go Read”.
Every Friday you can see us going green, as student and staff wear
the “Go Green” logo T-shirt that was created by one of our very own
6th grade students.
Some of the many events that the Stewart Manor PTA has arranged
includes a book fair, where students receive a “free book coupon” to
use at the fair, a visit to our school by an award-winning author,
Josephine Nobisso, who will be conducting her celebrated programs with
the children, and workshops with our teachers. To help promote the
“Reuse, Reduce and Recycle” theme, students will be asked to bring in
a gently used book or puzzle and the Student Council will donate them
to various local charities. Students will also be asked to bring in an
empty 5 cent deposit can or plastic bottle. The proceeds will go to
“The Heifer Foundation, a non- profit humanitarian organization
dedicated to ending world hunger and poverty and caring for the earth.
The funds will provide livestock, trees, training, and other resources
to help struggling families build sustainable futures. Heifers living
gifts improve nutrition, health and education and income for resource
-poor families.
Thanks to our PTA for encouraging the love of reading while helping
our world and the people in it.