Town Honors Dr. Pleta At Annual
Pathfinder Awards

Supervisor Kate Murray and members of the Hempstead Town Board
honored 10 women who live or work in the Town of Hempstead for their
outstanding contributions to the community at the town's annual
Pathfinder Awards ceremony Tuesday.
An inspiring keynote speech was delivered by Yvonne Mowatt, Manager of
Community Services for the Girls Scouts of Nassau County.
"Recognizing the achievements of women in all areas of society and
encouraging young girls to realize their fullest potential are at the
very essence of this event," noted Murray. "What the women we are
recognizing this year have achieved serves as an inspiration to all
those who will follow their example."
Education: Dr. Margaret Pleta- As Principal of Covert Elementary
School in Elmont, Dr. Margaret Pleta is a true leader. She guides her
school to success by motivating her staff and students. Recognizing
the strengths of Covert Elementary School's talented teaching staff,
she encourages them to use these strengths to improve student
performance. Dr. Pleta's priorities have focused on the following
areas: "Student, Home, School and Community". Members of her staff
know that they share responsibility for children with their parents
and community. The programs that she has instituted over the years
have reflected her philosophy as she works closely with teachers, the
Parent Teacher Association and members of the community. Always
striving to improve school curriculum, Dr. Pleta is continually
researching programs that will assist her students and teachers. She
also continues to teach professional development classes where she
enjoys sharing her vision as well as recognizing the many talents of
upcoming educational leaders.
"Each of these women is truly extraordinary," concluded Murray.
"They are all deserving of this honor and it is an extreme pleasure to
have this opportunity to recognize them for their many