July 22, 2007

Enriching Our Students' Lives!
The Elmont
UFSD Summer Enrichment Program is celebrating
its eighth anniversary this year. This summer,
308 students from each of the district’s six
elementary schools arrive at the Clara H.
Carlson School each day eager to pursue courses
of study taught by outstanding Elmont elementary
and high school teachers and consultants.
The Elmont Elementary School
District continues to expand, develop and incorporate new course
offerings into the program. Each year changes and additions are made
to the program reflecting what we have learned during the previous
year. This year, our students are enrolled in Advanced Math, Science
Research, Robotics, Writers Workshop, Foreign Language, Archeology,
the Visual and Performing Arts, Model United Nations, and Sports
Clinics to name a few courses.
This summer, our student
photographers and authors will visit Clark Botanic Gardens and capture
the beauty of nature in photographs and prose. Measurement, geometry,
and number concepts will come to life as our Math students are guided
by the Operational Manager. Our young artists will spend two days at
Elmont Memorial High School creating a collaborative mural under the
direction Mr. Chris Yee and Mrs. Alice Katz. Foreign language students
are developing the skills necessary to communicate in French and
Spanish. Our Model United Nations delegates are learning to research,
write resolutions, and present and defend positions on issues faced by
the global community. Students studying science and archeology will
visit the Vanderbilt Museum and participate in a science program
entitled “Beneath the Waves”. This program was supported by a grant
from the museum.
Our fifth and sixth grade athletes
will participate in Assemblyman Alfano’s 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
at the Dutch Broadway School on July 18th. The tournament will be held
on the newly renovated basketball courts funded by a legislative grant
secured by Elmont’s own, Mr. Alfano
The district, with whole hearted
community support, continues to offer courses that challenge our
District’s creative and talented youngsters. The twelve day program
culminates with a, “Celebration of the Arts and Sciences Open Hourse,”
on July 26th.